Can not login as admin

What issue or error are you experiencing?

Can not log in as admin.
When I log in on the website using the old admin info, i get logged in but can not access /wp-admin/ - i get a message like “You are not allowed to see this”

When I enable 1 click admin, I can not choose a user, I click the option `Select an admin" but nothing happens.

Yesterday I tried logging in the database and it seems the user there has admin capabilities.

Another issue that I see is that when i open Site SHell (tried other solutions discusses here) the cd “address” is my user, not the site directory.

I tried both with SSL enabled and not (Trust option).

Also both with nginx and apache.

What steps can be taken to replicate the issue? Feel free to include screenshots, videos, etc

The usual login steps. I attach a short loom video: Latest Support topics - Local Community - 6 January 2025 | Loom
DId not include the “normal” login via /wp-login/ but the experience is that I get the message from the begining.

System Details

Device name Desktop-Work
Processor Intel(R) Core™ i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz 3.60 GHz
Installed RAM 32.0 GB
Device ID 92F3E84F-EC52-4805-B155-16EE07C6CACB
Product ID 00330-80000-00000-AA177
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display
Edition Windows 11 Pro
Version 24H2
Installed on ‎12/‎27/‎2024
OS build 26100.2605
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.26100.36.0

Local Logs

Attach your Local Logs here (Help Doc - Retrieving Local’s Log)
{“class”:“addIpcAsyncListener”,“level”:“warn”,“message”:“Duplicate callback appears to be getting added to connectManifestWpeService:create”,“stringifiedCallback”:“(e,t,i,n,s,r,a,o)=>this.create(e,t,i,n,s,r,a,o)”,“thread”:“main”,“timestamp”:“2025-01-05T11:27:43.959Z”}
{“level”:“warn”,“linuxEdition”:null,“localVersion”:“9.1.1+6738”,“message”:“Electron Event ready”,“osArch”:“x64”,“osPlatform”:“win32”,“osRelease”:“10.0.26100”,“timestamp”:“2025-01-05T11:27:50.859Z”,“windowsEdition”:“Microsoft Windows 11 Pro”}
{“class”:“addIpcAsyncListener”,“level”:“warn”,“message”:“Duplicate callback appears to be getting added to connectManifestWpeService:create”,“stringifiedCallback”:“(e,t,i,n,s,r,a,o)=>this.create(e,t,i,n,s,r,a,o)”,“thread”:“main”,“timestamp”:“2025-01-05T11:29:02.986Z”}
{“level”:“warn”,“linuxEdition”:null,“localVersion”:“9.1.1+6738”,“message”:“Electron Event ready”,“osArch”:“x64”,“osPlatform”:“win32”,“osRelease”:“10.0.26100”,“timestamp”:“2025-01-05T11:29:03.797Z”,“windowsEdition”:“Microsoft Windows 11 Pro”}
{“class”:“addIpcAsyncListener”,“level”:“warn”,“message”:“Duplicate callback appears to be getting added to connectManifestWpeService:create”,“stringifiedCallback”:“(e,t,i,n,s,r,a,o)=>this.create(e,t,i,n,s,r,a,o)”,“thread”:“main”,“timestamp”:“2025-01-05T11:29:19.359Z”}
{“level”:“warn”,“linuxEdition”:null,“localVersion”:“9.1.1+6738”,“message”:“Electron Event ready”,“osArch”:“x64”,“osPlatform”:“win32”,“osRelease”:“10.0.26100”,“timestamp”:“2025-01-05T11:29:20.184Z”,“windowsEdition”:“Microsoft Windows 11 Pro”}
{“class”:“addIpcAsyncListener”,“level”:“warn”,“message”:“Duplicate callback appears to be getting added to connectManifestWpeService:create”,“stringifiedCallback”:“(e,t,i,n,s,r,a,o)=>this.create(e,t,i,n,s,r,a,o)”,“thread”:“main”,“timestamp”:“2025-01-05T12:35:03.766Z”}
{“level”:“warn”,“linuxEdition”:null,“localVersion”:“9.1.1+6738”,“message”:“Electron Event ready”,“osArch”:“x64”,“osPlatform”:“win32”,“osRelease”:“10.0.26100”,“timestamp”:“2025-01-05T12:35:04.521Z”,“windowsEdition”:“Microsoft Windows 11 Pro”}

Security Reminder
Local does a pretty good job of scrubbing private info from the logs and the errors it produces, however there’s always the possibility that something private can come through. Because these are public forums, always review the screenshots you are sharing to make sure there isn’t private info like passwords being displayed.

Hi @toma.g

Does the site have any security plugins or something that could be masking the login path? Normally, I’d suggest disabling plugins via Site Shell, but if that isn’t working, you could click on Site Folder and go to App > Public > WP-Content > Plugins and try renaming or deleting any conflicting plugins, or the whole directory at least temporarily and then Stop and Start the site. After that, if there is a plugin issue, you should be able to get in.

This is unrelated to the Admin login, but if you’re having any other issues with permissions or access on your device you might check out our Windows Troubleshooting guide below. For example, make sure you’re running Local as an admin user, that you don’t have any security blockers, and that Local has access to update your Hosts file.

Thank you for the quick reply.

I tried renaming the plugins folder + other folders I know are for plugins, but it is still not working.

Any idea why the 1 click login isn’t working for me? Might be because the website has a lot of users? (around 1k I think).

After you renamed those folders did you Stop and Restart your site?

It’s hard to say why 1 click login isn’t working, but there might be some other conflict within the site’s configuration.

Can you also send a screenshot of what’s happening when you try to open Site Shell? That would be a simple fix normally to edit or create a new Admin user via CLI.

I restarted yes.

I tried a lot, in the end I think it was an issue with a wrong import.

Although the front end was working, just couldn’t log in as admin.

Downloaded the files in another way, added a new site and now it’s ok.

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Okay sounds good! Thank you for following up @toma.g :slight_smile:

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