Good but a few remarks

I created 24 identical sites, accessible in HTTPS and I didn’t notice any instability issue on my PC under Windows 10. I used the latest version of Local, v6.1.4. and the sites were stored under c:/users (in order to avoid issues that may appear with installations outside this directory). I still made some observations: Using PHP 8.0.0, the installation of Wordpress integrates 2 plugins, which isn’t the case with the 3 other versions of PHP, and there’s also a latency between 3s and 5s when browsing the Wordpress dashboard. This remark is independent of the server type and database. There’s also a latency of 2s to 3s with installations under nginx 1.16.0 + MariaDB 10.4.10, Apache 2.4.43 + MySQL 5.7.28 and Apache 2.4.43 + MariaDB 10.4.10. This remark is independent of the PHP version. One last remark concerns access to the local site from the “OPEN SITE” button: access is done in HTTP and not HTTPS, unlike access to the administration from the “ADMIN” button. is done well in HTTPS. Finally, thank you for making LocalWP free, which no longer seems to have the issues of previous versions. Its a good job.

Thanks for the feedback @Tilt and welcome to the forums!

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