Installing Runs Forever

I experienced the same issue and used the same solution. The relevant logs look like this:

7/30/2021, 2:29:59 PM [info] [main] AddonInstallerService: Installing Add-on 'Instant Reload' release '[object Object]'
This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). The promise rejected with the reason:
Error: EXDEV: cross-device link not permitted, rename '/tmp/local-m94Dp3SRg/package' -> '/home/patrick/.config/Local/addons/@getflywheel-local-addon-instant-reload'
    at Object.renameSync (fs.js:772:3)
    at Object.moveSync [as sync] (/opt/Local/resources/app.asar/node_modules/fs-jetpack/lib/move.js:27:8)
    at Object.move (/opt/Local/resources/app.asar/node_modules/fs-jetpack/lib/jetpack.js:179:12)
    at AddonInstallerService.<anonymous> (/opt/Local/resources/app.asar/main/addons/AddonInstallerService.js:1:7767)
    at (<anonymous>)
    at d (/opt/Local/resources/app.asar/main/addons/AddonInstallerService.js:1:132)
7/30/2021, 2:30:18 PM [warn] [main] undefined: Unhandled Rejection. -- {"reason":{"errno":-18,"syscall":"rename","code":"EXDEV","path":"/tmp/local-m94Dp3SRg/package","dest":"%%userDataPath%%/addons/@getflywheel-local-addon-instant-reload"},"p":{}}
[14:30:24][patrick@bookra] /opt/Local (+1|%0|!5164|0)
❯ mv /tmp/local-m94Dp3SRg/package /home/patrick/.config/Local/addons/@getflywheel-local-addon-instant-reload
[14:30:37][patrick@bookra] /opt/Local (+1|%0|!5165|0)

I was able to move the temporary folders manually.

The logs point to an issue with copying/moving the temporary folder between different partitions. The /tmp folder is on one partition, the Local folder is on another partition. Both are properly mounted with rw rights.

It would be nice if at least an error would be catched and the user informed at this point.

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