Local UI shows cloned sites as running even when stopped

I experienced this also on a recent version of Local. I found that there was some seemingly errant data in the sites.json file entry for the site that was appearing as running when Local was restarted. This consisted of additional name/value pairs after the “services” as follows:

    "__typename": "Site",
    "status": "running",
    "isStarred": true,
    "siteLastStartedTimestamp": 1615333829033,
    "oneClickAdminID": "1",
    "oneClickAdminDisplayName": "abcdsite"

The value for the “oneClickAdminDisplayName” entry was the hostname of a different site for the current site entry. It was the hostname of a site that was cloned to create the site that was appearing as running on restart.

I shut down Local, took a copy of the sites.json file, removed the extraneous data (along with the trailing comma immediately before it), and restarted Local. That solved my problem.

I suspect that the root of the issue may be related to cloning, at least in my case.

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