Sudden PHP configuration error on VS Code

Hi @Leta

If you click on the Add Ons tab in Local, there is an Extension for Xdebug + VS Code.

Here is a screenshot

Even though you might not be trying to use XDebug, in the process of adding the configuration to VSC, it should point VSC to a server run by XDebug, which in turn points to PHP. Xdebug is acting kind of like a middleman to the PHP.

You could also try to set the php.validate.executablePath to the actual path of the PHP binary we ship - here’s that info:

For Windows:

Bundled PHP (for now, this will change in 7.2):

<LOCAL INSTALL LOCATION>Local\resources\extraResources\lightning-services\php-8.1.9+8\bin\win64

Other PHP versions:
