Hotlinked images issue

Hi @Arcantide

As far as htaccess, if you created a site with Apache instead of NGINX you should be able to find and change this file. More details here: Where to find the htaccess

For your images and URLs you might have to run some search and replace commands manually, or find a plugin that can help you with this. If you open your Site Shell you could try something like the following:

  • Run the following WP-CLI command
    wp search-replace 'SITEURL' 'LOCALURL' --skip-columns=guid

  • Replace SITEURL with your production URL like

  • Replace LOCALURL is your Local Site URL like http://mysite.local

  • Trust Local’s SSL certificate

  • Disable certain types of plugins: caching, security, force HTTPS/SSL

If you move your site to a host to make it live, they should be able to run some automatic search and replaces for you but you should also be able to touch these up manually or with a plugin if anything else needed stitched up.