Accidentally moved site

Hello, I used Backupbuddy to create a zip file. I moved the zipfile to Local by Flywheel on my computer to create local “staging” site for a client and accidentally ended up moving the entire site to my local computer. How can I revert the site to the original hosted site? All the files are still on the original hosting service. When I stop the site on my Local computer it throws a local router error.

I’m at a loss of how to reactivate the original site.

Hi @lp9900,

It sounds like the Local site may be using the same domain as the live site.

Here’s how you can fix it:

  1. Start the site in Local
  2. Right-click on the site in the sidebar and go to “Change Domain”
  3. Enter a new domain such as my-site.local
  4. Provide your password if prompted
  5. Check the live site

Related: Can't access live site after import to Local

thank you. Yes, I figured that out late last night, and was pleased I didn’t break something.


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Glad to hear it! Thanks for following up :slight_smile:

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