Can't connect to Flywheel

What issue or error are you experiencing?

I keep getting the following message when trying to connect my Local and Flywheel accounts: “Connect Error! We had trouble loading sites from Flywheel.” Also, after logging into Flywheel successfully, when taken back to Local, there is no indication that I am signed into Flywheel.

What steps can be taken to replicate the issue? Feel free to include screenshots, videos, etc

Go to the Connect page of Local to connect an account, click to sign into Flywheel.

System Details

  • Local Version:

  • Operating System (OS) and OS version:

Local Logs

Attach your Local Logs here (Help Doc - Retrieving Local’s Log)

Security Reminder
Local does a pretty good job of scrubbing private info from the logs and the errors it produces, however there’s always the possibility that something private can come through. Because these are public forums, always review the screenshots you are sharing to make sure there isn’t private info like passwords being displayed.

Hey @rrobertson

It might be that you have a security, antivirus or firewall application that is getting in the way of getting things connected. This could be an app installed on your device or one within your browser.

Additionally, if you’re using an employer-issued device, they might have some internal security that is filtering the connection as well.

I am using an employer-issued device, so, what exactly do I request of our tech team to help? I am a novice in this area.

We have a section in our help doc here that goes over what URLs Local makes use of. Sometimes users have had to request their IT teams to make allowances for these:

Allowing Local

Additionally, this document goes over the ports that Local makes use of as well which is necessary for site creation and operating.

Router Mode

I’ve been told those URLs are not being blocked. I just tried to log into Flywheel through the Local app again this morning, and it doesn’t look like even that’s working. I log in successfully but, when taken back to Local, it still has the “Sign in” button next to Flywheel.

I just tested it on my end and it’s still working normally. Something else you might check is if it’s a browser issue. If you go into Local’s Preferences section, then Appearance and Behavior you can change your default Browser on the bottom to try another one and see if that works.

Do you utilize a VPN or network proxy for your connection or are you just on your office WiFi?

I’ve tried both Chrome and Edge and the same thing happens. I work from home so I use my own WiFi, but I am using a company laptop. Could that be where the disconnect is?

It’s possible, maybe they aren’t aware of Local being blocked but something else on your device or network could be interfering.

What’s the OS/OS version on your device?

Are you on the latest Local release?

Windows 11 Education. I only just downloaded Local yesterday, so it should be the latest version, right?

Yep you should be good on the Local version.

We have a Windows Troubleshooting guide below that goes over some common items worth checking. As far as what could be interfering here, the only thing I can think of is another antivirus or security application. We have some common ones listed in there, but you might also check that you’re running the application as an administrator as well.

If that all fails then it might be down to the network somewhere. Do you have a VPN or hotspot you could test with?

Still trying some things. My tech team has pointed out that one of the URLs that you all say to allow ( is invalid. Any guidance?

The URL is definitely valid. In what way are they saying it’s invalid?

This is what comes up when we attempt to go to that URL (see attached image).

That’s correct @rrobertson - because it’s a CDN endpoint and not meant to be read in a public browser. Local makes calls to that URL to retrieve files stored within it.

Okay, so it’s definitely something to do with me being remote and my organization’s network. We did figure out a workaround for now. However, I am unclear as to how to test my site for MySQL 8 Compatibility. How do I do that?

Essentially, you just want to make sure that your site functions normally on MySQL 8. Think of it like a QA test. First, I would make sure all of your plugins and themes are up to date and functioning normally with MySQL 8. Then, I would check if all of the pages render normally and if there are any other specific site functions you need to test to make sure they’re still working with these changes as well.

Okay, now I’m experiencing another issue. When in the Local desktop app, I go to log in, which opens my browser. But then when I try to log in, I receive this message (screenshot attached).

Can you try it from another browser or an incognito window? Usually this type of thing is due to a security, antivirus or firewall application or browser extension.

Different browser, incognito window, no success. When trying the incognito window, I logged into Local, then clicked the open local button, but you can see from the attached screenshot that I’m not logged into Local within the app.

Since this is an employer issued device there could be some other security feature at work. I know you said you use your own WiFi but does your employer require you to also connect using a VPN or network proxy at all? Do they have any additional security features on the device?

To be honest, if you’re just testing your site for MySQL 8 compatibility logging into that area is really not necessary. You only need to log in there to utilize features like Live Links or Cloud Backups. Do you specifically want to test either of those?