Curl error 60 when using add_editor_style()

WordPress on Local with SSL apparently doesn’t load local CSS files, such as from a theme directory, via add_editor_style(). When attempting to do so, it throws the following error:
Error: curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate

The exception occurs at line 422 of wp-includes/Requests/Transport/cURL.php

It will load external assets over https such as Google fonts or CSS files on other servers.

Hey @MuyLocal – this is definitely an odd thing!

Can you help us zero in on what might be going on?

  • What version of Local are you using?
  • What Operating System and OS version is being used?
  • Can you please provide your Local Log? See this Community Forum post for instructions on how to do so:
  • Does this happen for all sites in Local, or just one?

Hi, @ben.turner. The version of Local I was using when I posted this was either 5.6.3 or 5.6.6. I’m currently using version 5.7.2+4801, and am about to download 5.7.4. I’ll give it a try after the update and let you know if it’s still a problem.

@ben.turner, in a newly created site running on Local 5.7.4+4876, with a bare-bones custom theme, it no longer appears to be a problem. Thanks for replying to this. Cheers!

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