Error accessing the site created in localwp

Troubleshooting questions

  • Does this happen for all sites in the Site or just one in particular?

Yes, this started happening after I updated LocalWP


I always create a new domain, I can’t enter, see:

It doesn’t load:

System details

  • What version of Local is being used?


Security reminder

The site does a good job of cleaning private information from the logs and the errors it produces; however, there is always the possibility that something private could show up. As these are public forums, always review the screenshots you are sharing to ensure that private information, such as passwords, is not showing.

Hi @suporteescoladeninja

If this happened after the most recent update then you might be running into the known bug below. Our engineering team is aware and working on a fix.

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Hi @suporteescoladeninja -

Have you taken a look at the thread Nick shared above?

Let us know if the workaround suggested there works for you.



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