Fatal error : Cannot access offset of type string on string in "class-wp-roles.php" on line 290

Restoring the correct value of wp_user_roles in the database works around the problem. Activating live links on a site b0rks the value of wp_user_roles in the wp_options table, replacing any subsets with the value ‘Array’ as mentioned by @surajv in November. Currently using 6.2.1+5711.

Value after activating Live Links (every time!):


Addendum: it appears that the value is broken when the link is accessed in the browser, not when the live link is turned on in the app.

The issue is that the replace_host method in the must-use plugin local-by-flywheel-live-link-helper.php usually receives three strings, but in some instances, the value of $subject is an array, not a string.
(cc. @ben.turner.)

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Is this related and does the “fix” here prevent it from happening?

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