Heads-up! Local's router is having trouble starting

Hi there!

Have just installed Local 5.0.6+976, and after creating the first site I got the red banner with - Heads up! Local router is having trouble starting message.

When I click ‘admin’ or ‘view site’, I directed to pages with a security warnings. In Firefox (Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead) and in Chrome (Your connection is not private).

Have attached log file as I’ve seen previously requested.
local-lightning.log (34.6 KB)

The admin page message is:

'Not Found

The requested URL /wp-admin was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.’

Not really sure what I’m looking at there, so would appreciate any help.

B Well

Have just restarted PC as a Windows 10 update was required.
Local seems to work fine now.
No heads ups warning + No browser issues.

Here’s the New Log.
local-lightning.log (40.9 KB)

B Well

Great! Glad to hear that updating/restarting helped.

For posterity/search: the prevailing error in the log file is An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions

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