How to upgrade to Xdebug v2.9.0 on Local Lightning

Xdebug just got updated to 2.9.0 and contains some really awesome new features. I’ve downloaded and “installed” Xdebug v2.9.0 but I can’t figure out how to get PHP to update which Xdebug version it’s using. I noticed the site containers have a php.ini.hbs file. I’m assuming these are specific to individual sites.

Does anyone know how to do a global Xdebug upgrade for all Local Lightning sites? I noticed there’s a setting in the php.ini.hbs file that looks like this:

zend_extension = php_xdebug.dll
zend_extension = {{extensions.xdebug}}

Where is this extensions.xdebug pulling from? Can I override the extensions.xdebug variable with the global setting for the new Xdebug version?