No puedo avanzar en la configuracion

Buenas tardes

estoy queriendo instalar Local, para crear un sitio y realizar pruebas, y no me esta dejando.
Adjunto imagen del error que me da.

Capas me puedan ayudar.

Aguardo por sus comentarios.
Captura de pantalla 2022-09-21 152306

Hello Agustin!

I did some research and it looks like your computer is missing Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable. Installing it might solve the problem.

Find out which version of Windows you have (32 or 64 bit) and download it from Microsoft or directly by clicking on one of the these two links:

Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable (32 bit)

Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable (64 bit)

Make sure to restart your computer after installation. Try installing Local again after restarting and hopefully everything works. :crossed_fingers:

Your solution dosn’t works… :face_with_diagonal_mouth: :frowning:

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