Perte de site

J’espère que vous pourrez m’aider même si je parle en français.
J’avais créé des sites sur mon PC avec Local mais une réinitialisation complète de Windows 11 a effacé mes programmes et donc Local et la liste complète des sites en préparation.
Je me retrouve avec les dossiers des mes sites contenant “app”, “conf” et “logs”. Mais je ne sais pas comment pouvoir les récupérer et pouvoir retravailler sur mes sites.
Pouvez-vous m’aider ?

Merci d’avance !

Hi @Florent! Thanks to Google translate, we can get the gist of what you’ve run into here :slight_smile:

If you’ve recovered your original site files you should be able to bundle them together in a zip and reimport, or manually move the WP-Content and SQL files into a new site. All of the steps are outlined on our help doc here:

Hi ! I’ll try to speak in english and hope it will be understandable :wink:

The main problem is that I’m not able to locate the SQL files in the 3 folders I have.
Could you please help me about that ?

Thanks a lot !

If you don’t see a database file located in there anywhere then it may have been lost when your system reset. Unless you can use a Windows style time machine:

Did you have any backups anywhere like on an external hard drive or using our Cloud storage?
Cloud Backups

I’ll try to find if this time machine is available on windows 11.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have any backup and this is a real problem … :confused:

I have a folder in conf named mysql and a file in it : my.cnf.hbs

Is it useful to recreate the database ?

I’m quite worried because I thibnk that I’ll have to restart from scratch all my works …

So when you bundle everything you have and try to import that zip file is Local telling you that it has an error with the SQL file or it’s missing?