I’ve started to get a “Server Error (500 Internal Server Error)” notification pop up when clicking Update/Save. I’m hoping someone can send me in the right direction.
I’m using a Mac, with Astra Pro theme and Elementor Pro.
So far I’ve:
- Checked the nginx, php and local-by-flywheel logs and nothing standing out.
- Removed all unecessary plugins
- Checked if it happens on another page (it does).
My next step would be to revert to a standard theme and see if it’s still happening?
I’ll be first to admit I’m pretty green, so I’d really appreciate next steps to try and preferred backup plugins.
Logs (if that helps)
Most Recent local-by-flywheel: Dropbox - Screenshot 2018-09-30 21.36.19.png - Simplify your life
njinx: Dropbox - Screenshot 2018-09-30 21.35.28.png - Simplify your life
php: Dropbox - Screenshot 2018-09-30 21.35.35.png - Simplify your life
Thanks in advance!