This happens every year (support for new macOS)

I don’t have a specific issue, but every year we have to wonder if Local is going to work with the new version of macOS and it’s… annoying.

Could the team at the very least post whether or not the current release is tested and certified for the new OS versions? They happen every fall, so this should just be part of the dev roadmap, franly.

Hey Rick - happy release day!

We rely heavily on the community when these updates happen. There have been a number of users testing Local on the new macOS release and there have been no reported issues. By all accounts, Local is working well on Ventura.

To be more direct with your question - no, the Local team has not tested and certified Local with macOS Ventura. We’re unable to install the update on company machines until it has gone through its security review… annoying for us too. But we’ve worked with users who are testing Local out and we’re here to troubleshoot anything that may come up quickly.

If there were to be any known, major issues with the latest macOS release, we would quickly post that here and make users aware while we worked on a fix.

So… this seems weak for a company with the resources of WP Engine. There are betas from Apple. It’s a known cycle. Yet you expect us to risk out work/workflow because WPEngine can’t figure out how to test betas?

Hundreds of other companies test their stuff on beta versions of OSes. It’s odd that yours cannot.

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I tested it on macOS 13.0, everything works fine. :partying_face:

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It works for me too.

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