HELP! I cant make a site. I try with VISUAL C ++ x86 but is the same.
local-lightning.log (45.5 KB)
HELP! I cant make a site. I try with VISUAL C ++ x86 but is the same.
local-lightning.log (45.5 KB)
does anyone have any ideas?
I deleted it and reinstalled but it doesn’t work.
Every time I want to create a site in Local I get the same error
local-lightning.log (79.1 KB)
Thanks for all of the details!
Can you please try running the following in Command Prompt?
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Local\resources\extraResources\site-binaries-win32\mysql-8.0.16\bin\mysqld.exe" --version
You should see something akin to the following:
Thank you, but now I have an other error
Do I need to download it again?
I got the same issues but no one seems able to give any solution yet.
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