Unable to add Local Site when 'Enable Atlas Add-on' selected

When ‘Adding Local Site’ can’t proceed past ‘Choose Your Environment’ screen when ‘Enable Atlas Add-on’ selected The ‘continue’ button is greyed-out. ‘Create from a Blueprint’ will allow me to add new sites. Thanks in advance for your help!

Local Version 9.2.0+6762
Apple Silicon; MacOS Sequoia

Log files attached:
logs.zip (2.7 KB)

Hi, @picnic! Have you selected a PHP version, server, and database?

The Continue button will stay grayed out until you do.

CleanShot 2025-01-28 at 15.14.21

oooof! chalk my question up to a complete misunderstanding of headless. of course we need php & mysql, we’re using wordpress! :face_with_diagonal_mouth: thank you @nickc I’m back in business!

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Great to hear that helped, thanks for letting us know!

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