Hey I just updated to the latest Local. Now all my sites have the “Environment Update Available” notice.
What does this actually do? And is it necessary? The sites still seem to run.
I did a search on this forum and saw some threads of problems doing an update. So, I was thinking I wouldn’t do it on my older sites if it wasn’t needed.
I tested the upgrade on an unimportant old site and everything seemed to work. I think what is a little confusing is if you need to clone or not. I did not clone. Although I have “custom configs” on all my installs, I don’t think these qualify as a custom container so cloning is not necessary. Please correct me if I am wrong. The cloning part would add an extra step that people have talked about on this forum.
I want to know this too. I keep avoiding updating sites that are working fine as I don’t know why I need to update. If it works, don’t break it. Additionally, I setup a custom environment for a reason. What will updating it actually do?