Uh-oh! Unable to provision site - on Mac m2

I’ve been facing this issue as well in a newly formatted Mac with M1. By taking a look into other applications errors (not related to Local), it seemed that this is a somewhat common error that can be triggered when you’re running an “wrong” version of node. I’m not sure how much this is related to Local, but for me, changing the version of node (and installing Rosetta 2) worked.

As I mentioned, I’m not sure if that’s the case for Local, but what worked for me was this:

  1. Installed NVM (in my case using homebrew)
  2. Using NVM, I installed version 12 (nvm install 12) and set it as default (nvm alias default 12)
  3. I had to install Rosetta 2 to be able to run node 12 (using: softwareupdate --install-rosetta)
  4. Then I ran Local and created a new site without any issues

I’ve tried installing node 14 (and also node 16 in another attempt), but only when downgraded to node 12 I was able to create the site using Local without issues.

I’m not sure if that’s a helpful tip, but it’s what worked for me (even tho I’m using the Local for Apple Silicon), an alternative would be to just install rosetta and see if that works for you (as I haven’t tested this).

PS: Later I was able to switch back to node 19 and create new sites without any issues (that’s why I also recommend testing just installing Rosetta 2 first)

I hope this can be helpful to someone else (and maybe to the devs as well). :slight_smile: