This error is persistent. After I start the site it tells me its ready to go. I click admin or go directly and i get this error. - see attachment and router logs.
i restarted the router, computer, local - not working.
The “502 Request Error” is fairly common and usually if this is happening right after starting the site, it just means that the Database needs a little more time to turn on. Refreshing the browser should get the site online.
If you are still having issues, can you take a look at this FAQ and see if the troubleshooting steps help fix things?
I have the same trouble on all my local sites, and none of them works.
The connection load endless on localHost and still be display “Request error” on the web-browser.
I’m glad you were able to get the site working on the classic version of Local!
In order for me to see what’s happening on the newer version of Local, can you attach the local-lightning.log file to a reply here? You should be able to use the “upload” button when writing a response:
Once we get that log, we should be able to take a closer look to see what’s going on!
Thanks for that log – and to clarify, that’s the log for the latest version of Local.
I am seeing some errors in the log that seem to point to the database being corrupted for at least one of the sites on the latest version of Local. It is possible that this was a temporary thing, and if you are wanting to give the latest version of Local a try again, you might have luck creating or importing a new site into the latest version of Local.
Let us know if you run into any issues when trying the latest version of Local and we’re more than happy to help!