It’s been a nightmare rely on Local to develop sites for a living.
I’ve trying to use Local for over a year right now, since it looked like an easy alternative to other solutions such as MAMP. It happens that I always need to stop my working on Local and return to MAMP because out of nowhere Local stops working. Corrupted databases, sites that don’t start, sites that don’t stop, and every time I give up Local.
The last issue I’m facing is the 502 Request error page. I was working on a project and suddenly it started showing error connecting to database error.
Ok, gotta restart this site.
Restarted, work fine.
Some hours later, error connecting to database again.
Doesn’t work, 502.
Close Local, reopen.
Doesn’t work, 502.
Delete VM machine, reopen Local, rebuild container, doesn’t work, 502.
Clone site. Doesn’t work.
Export site, error. Check logs — where are these logs?
Hey @pedrorivera, Welcome to the Forums, and I’m sorry that you’ve been having issues!
The “502 Request Error” is fairly common. This FAQ outlines some of the troubleshooting steps that can be done to help fix things:
In general, the 502 error means that something is going wrong with the database of the site. When first starting a site, this is usually due to the database not being fully turned on, so waiting for a bit and refreshing the browser is a good first step.
If the error occurs during regular usage and not right after starting the site, then it’s likely that something within the database is crashing and causing problems.
If that is the case, then I would recommend taking a closer look in the logs/mysql/error.log file and see if there are any errors that are reported there.
@ben.turner, an error being “fairly common” on a service like this is not nice, IMO.
As said, the error comes out of nowhere, simply using the site takes it down, I restart and even after 5, 10, 15 minutes starting it, the 502 keeps showing.
I’m very sorry for the experience you’ve had with Local by Flywheel. I know how frustrating it can be fiddling with the virtual machine.
Issues like these are why we are investing heavily in the new “Lightning” release of Local. One of the top priorities of Lightning is switching away from virtualization entirely to improve both speed and stability drastically. The beta testers have been having great luck with it.
We’d be bummed to see you go, so please be sure to sign up for the Local Beta program and take Lightning for a spin.
See Local Beta Program for more details. We approve applications several times a day.
Whenever the site is stopped, Local will try and export the site’s database to sql files, so you can try restoring the site using the files for the site. To do this, follow the steps outlined in the “Restoring From Only Local Site files” section of this help doc: