Add support for PHP 8.1 in Local


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Can see everything fine on Windows 11


Unable to import a site into the Beta though to use 8.0.22.

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Hi friends! Product designer on Local here. Admittedly out of my wheelhouse with this topic a little, but just wanted to jump in and say thank you for being such an amazing community! Local would not be as successful without you all! Thank you for taking the time out of your busy days to test as we add more recent versions of PHP. The Local team appreciates you. :green_heart:


Anything we should take away from this @afragen? Or are you just showing that the PHP versions are showing up as expected?

Just answering your question above that the new versions are present and do download.

At this point, it might make more sense to turn this into a thread about alternative apps!

The last thing I want to do is go back to VVV, if that’s even still a thing. I think Kinsta is working on a Local type app, anyone had a chance to check it out? There’s always Laravel Valet but that doesn’t help the Windows guys, unless there’s a port I’m not familiar with.

Who’s got more alternatives? Drop them in the comments below and smash that subscribe button for updates directly to your inbox on how PHP 8.1 is never coming to Local.

Seriously unhelpful comment here after the Local team just posted huge progress as they’ve totally revamped how PHP versions work going forward. PHP 8.1 and the upcoming PHP 8.2 is now so much easier to implement and they put in the effort to get it right.

If this isn’t the right solution for you anymore, that’s okay. But no need to hijack the thread dragging everyone down with you.


Well, there’s MAMP, WAMP, XAMP, cramp, damp, lamp (I love lamp!)… just kidding about the last few…

VVV is still a thing, there’s also:

Problem is… you’ve gotta roll your own integrations for everything there, and Local has:

  • Mailhog
  • WP-CLI
  • Adminr (or whatever DB manager you want to use)
  • SSL generation
  • Blueprints
  • Easy switching between PHP version (now with 5 versions in Beta!)
  • PHP 8.1 coming soon (from Austin: " Behind the scenes, it also changes how Local pulls in which PHP versions to make available, meaning we’ll be able to push PHP 8.1 live without needing a new build." Friggin’ sweet)
  • Choice of server (apacher/nginx)
  • Easy multisite config
  • Live links
  • EDIT: Xdebug support (I knew I was forgetting something)
  • And… so… much more…

I agree with @sc0ttkclark , things are going to be so much easier to update going forward.

This reply is more of a "sure you could switch away… wait… but why???

Hey Local devs: :tada::raised_hands::man_dancing: Keep going!!!


@austinwendt nice! I’m able to download and update the two PHP 7.4 versions as well as the 8.0 versions. Installed a quick Laravel 9.3.x app as well, installed and migrated the DB without issue :clap:.

This is tested on an M1 Mac, will test on Linux soon.


It’s been some time since you first requested this. It’s not happening. :man_shrugging:

I think you meant to say was it hasn’t happened yet. :thinking:

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We get it. You aren’t happy. Move on to another development setup. This isn’t the thread to keep saying the same thing over and over again.

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In light of the last few messages about how this is never happening… :wink:

Happy Friday, everybody! Exciting news: PHP 8.1.9 is available across all operating systems in the 6.4.3 Beta build linked above. We’re still doing some clean-up and testing ourselves before, but I’d love to have you all try it out and see if we missed anything. This also includes the intl extension, webp support in gd, and an update to the latest Xdebug.

All feedback is fair game. I’m curious if anyone notices changes to performance (good or bad!) when using the new versions.


Hey @BWBama85, thanks for posting the screenshots. A couple of the team members and I tried to reproduce on our Windows machines and didn’t run into this issue on the import.

It looks like a permissions issue with the symlink; is that something you defined yourself? Or is that defined in the query-monitor plugin somehow? It would be helpful to share your Local logs (or just more information on the site you were importing itself) so we can see if we can put our machine in the same state.

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OMG absolutely laughing hysterically right now at that 8.1 response! Great work y’all, going to give it a run tonight when I get into my Pods working hours!


This is really, really exciting! I am so glad we are here now. This is going to really enhance my workflows! No more switching between Homebrew and Local, all my eggies in one basket now!

Are we having a launch party?


If there’s a launch party, I’ll bring the :clap::clap::clap::clap:!!

Nice work y’all! Just tested on PopOS (Linux), and things work well! (not pictured, but working is PHP 8.1 :tada: !!!)

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Great work Local team! Thank you!


I uninstalled the Query Monitor plugin and that solved the issue. Just reinstalled it after the import.