I am trying to increase my max file size so I can import a site to local with All-in-one WP migration. I have changed the php.ini file and the import page reflects this.
All of the previous threads on this issue seem to be solved after editing the php.ini file, not sure what the issue is on this final hurdle. Any help is appreciated, thank you!
@hcook You could try increasing client_max_body_size in your site’s nginx config (or LimitRequestBody in Apache).
For nginx (Local’s default):
Stop your site if it’s running.
Click “Site folder” below the site name.
Open nginx.conf.hbs in conf → nginx.
Increase the value of client_max_body_size 1000M; (You could try 4096M or 4G based on the screenshot of the file size you posted to give you some headroom.)
That gets me one step further. Before when I selected the file, it would give me the error immediately without the upload bar moving at all. Now the upload bar will move to 100% before giving me the error. Not a huge issue to get fixed anymore as I just found an old version of the plugin without the upload limiter, but just this specific issue seems to have stuck around. Just don’t want to waste your time on it as it’s not urgent.
Hey @hcook! So the old version of the plugin works without issue? That’s interesting. Glad to hear that fixed things up for you. Thank you for following up!