Can I import an existing Local site?

I have an iMac at my home office and a Macbook as my “on the road” machine. I’d like the ability to create a local environment via Local on my iMac, have all core files be stored on Dropbox, and then be able to grab my Macbook and import that local site (virtual machine) that I started on the iMac and load it into the Local instance of my Macbook

I’m playing around with trying to do a sym link to a centralized location for sites.json and site-statuses.json. Will update this thread if I can get anything working…

Any luck syncing between two machines?

Unfortunately, no. I had to move to MAMP, and then use sym links to point to a set of DB files I keep on Dropbox. Then, just need to ensure before I start work on another device that Dropbox syncing completes fully…

thanks for the update. I am still giving it a try… I will post if I get something to work.