CLI PHP on phpStorm

Hi, I’m newbie (migrating from MAMP Pro) and want to set CLI PHP in phpStorm to detect php version from Local.

In MAMP I set the php version path and that’s it. It’s a local path, by the way, not remote.

In Local, I assume I have yo set a remote PHP CLI config but I’m completely lost.


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Nothing to comment? :o

Hey @deryck,

Right now, there isn’t any way to tell PhpStorm to use PHP in an existing Docker container. It’s something we’re keeping an eye on.

What are you wanting to do with the remote interpreter? Maybe we can find a different solution.

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Hey, Clay.

It’s not required to be a remote interpreter. What I want it is to set the same PHP interpreter in phpStorm as Local use. That’s the point of all this. I always compare with MAMP because I’m a current MAMP user (in transition to Local).

In MAMP, PHP is installed on Local OS X folder and I set the path in phpStorm CLI PHP config. In Local is installed inside a virtual machine which is a “remote” location. Right?

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Hello is there any possible integration between local and phpstorm?