Documented action hooks are not working

I am developing an extension for local. I am using these hooks found in extension development documentation. Unfortunately it does not work.
Doc link: Actions | Local Add-on API

I am using inside renderer.js

module.exports = function (context) {
  const { hooks } = context;

  hooks.addAction( 'siteStarted', () => {
     alert('Site started')

  hooks.addAction('siteStopped', () => {
     alert('Site stopped')

This is definitely an area where the Addon documentation could be improved – namely, we would do a better job of indicating what context the hooks are run as (main thread vs renderer thread).

In this case, I the siteStarted and siteStopped actions are run within the main thread context, so the above code won’t work.

I think what you’ll need to do a couple of things:

  • Move the hook registration to the main.ts file
  • Change alert() to something else, like console.log(). The reason for this change is that this isn’t a browser context, so alert() won’t work, but other, more node-y things should be just fine

Here’s a screenshot with an example implementation within main.ts, along with the resulting lines in the Local log:

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