Error could not load sites

Hey @fitzmode, Thanks for reporting this!

I was able to zero in on the underlying issue while working through this related topic:

I think that the problem is that something is already listening on port 4000 and Local isn’t handling that well. Since the problem is the same, you’ll have one of two options:

  1. Downgrade to Local 5.9.3
  2. Find whatever is listening on port 4000 and kill it.

Note that for #2, you might be actually using whatever is on port 4000, so be careful with what processes you are killing!

Since you’re on Mac instead of Windows, you’ll need slightly different commands than what’s in the other thread. Can you try:

sudo lsof -i:4000; sudo lsof -tnP -i:4000 | xargs -n 1 ps -p

This should give you what’s listening on port 4000 as well as provide you with the process id that you can use to kill whatever is listening on that port. To help visualize, here’s a screenshot:

Can you give that a shot and let me know if that gets you working again?