Hello everyone.
Today I am sharing a significant development in case it helps anyone who is experiencing a similar problem.
During the process of importing the database, I received numerous error messages on specific lines in the database. When I examined them, they appeared to be IPv6 groups permanently blocked by Wordfence. This format generated lines that were too large for LocalWP to support. I decided to delete them without further ado. The database was then imported without any problems. I went to view the website in LocalWP but, to my surprise, it looked horrible. Neither the Astra theme settings nor the widgets that I have in the footer+sidebar on the right of all pages and all blog posts were imported. The Astra theme has a plugin that serves to export/import its configuration between one website and another. Using this plugin, I was able to transfer the theme settings without any problems. However, I have not yet managed to transfer the widgets. I tried to do it with a plugin called ‘Widget Importer & Exporter’. But this plugin gives an error when importing the .wie file that it generates.
So my sidebar and footer were mutilated, so you could say that the progress in importing this website to LocalWP has gone up to 85%.
Postscript: Another problem that I haven’t solved yet, is that I still can’t get the website to load in Microsoft Edge. (ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED (only in Edge) [MAG]) I can get it to load in Google Chrome (very slow, much slower than the online website), and in Brave (slow, somewhat slower than the online website).