Local does a pretty good job of scrubbing private info from the logs and the errors it produces, however there’s always the possibility that something private can come through. Because these are public forums, always review the screenshots you are sharing to make sure there isn’t private info like passwords being displayed.
Hey there @Kins - I can try to take a look at your log file, but I’m not sure what went wrong; there’s any number of things that could have happened.
Our “preferred” way of importing into Local from another host is to use WP Migrate’s plugin (free) to create a full-site export that is compatible with Local. We worked with them on the feature and it is much easier for us to debug! Can you try this workflow and see if that does it for you? Import a WordPress Site to Local
The migration failed during themes stage…
Internal server Error.
EDIT 1 : I have increased all memory allocation and time out of wamp => the same result.
EDIT 2 : I figured a problem with xdebug. It’s settled. The migration zip files was generated. Problem with Local when I tried to import the zip => “error importing site. Sorry! We couldn’t figure out what to do with the import file provided. Please extract it manually”.
EDIT 3: Same error with extracted file : “error importing site. Sorry! We couldn’t figure out what to do with the import file provided. Please extract it manually”.
not zipped: 1.20g with: database.sql (8.861ko), wpmigrate-export.json (1ko) and “files file” withi a real strange structure: files / d_ / wamp64 / www / mywebsite / wp-content + sub strange files
I believe wp migrate lite is not really the solution when you use a local wp install with wamp apparently