Error when exporting site's database

Issue Summary

I am unable to push, or export my site, and am now receiving this error when stopping the site.
“Uh-oh! Local ran into an issue while exporting this site’s database to the site’s ‘app/sql’ directory.
Error: Error: mysqldump exited with non-zero exit code.”…

I searched and found similar errors
ie. Error backing up database when stopping site / mydumper Segmentation Fault - Support - Local Community

In other posts the support team mentions AffiliateWP and/or VIEW tables. But was unable to see what to do when you have those.

I am using AffiliateWP and have a VIEW table - wpip_affiliate_wp_campaigns

This only happens on this one site.

  • Local version 5.9.3
  • MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

local-lightning.log (6.5 KB)

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