Error with creating first site after installing Local

What issue or error are you experiencing?

I am getting a list of errors when I try to create the first site after install. I had installed Local previously but had to delete it and reload my operating system on my macbook air. I now get these errors after trying to install again. I have a screen shot of the errors and I’ll tried to include it with this post.

What steps can be taken to replicate the issue? Feel free to include screenshots, videos, etc

System Details

  • Local Version:
  • Operating System (OS) and OS version:
    MacOS Sonoma 14.5

Local Logs

Attach your Local Logs here (Help Doc - Retrieving Local’s Log)

Security Reminder
Local does a pretty good job of scrubbing private info from the logs and the errors it produces, however there’s always the possibility that something private can come through. Because these are public forums, always review the screenshots you are sharing to make sure there isn’t private info like passwords being displayed.

Any help here?

Hey @FredFogg – Welcome to the Local forums!

Local doesn’t completely run only on arm64 MacOS yet.

Rosetta 2 is required for Local’s Apple Silicon build due to the Nginx and MySQL Lighting Services compiled on the Intel architecture. We do plan to have a Local release out in the future that will drop this dependency but for now it is necessary.

You can install Rosetta by opening up a terminal window and using this command:

softwareupdate --install-rosetta

Here is an article with some walk through steps as well if needed:

Thanks Ben! I really don’t need Local as I can learn and do all my WordPress stuff from each host of each website but I just wanted to try it out so I could work on different sites and then move them to their host as needed. I used DreamWeaver for years until I got out of working on websites but now that I am jumping back into it just wanted something similar and Local is what was recommended by

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Sounds good @FredFogg! Thank you for giving Local a spin :slight_smile: