How can i access database in localwp

Hello everyone,

I am a beginner in programming & wordpress. So please help. :sweat_smile:

I try to access the databse in my localwp. But how should i install another database manager like MYSQL Workbench in order to read the database?

What’s more, can you tell me the location of the database files in the file hierarchy.


Hey @nesta, Welcome to the Local Community Forums!

You’re almost there! The first thing you’ll want to do is start the site by clicking on the “Start Site” button in the upper right corner of Local.

This will start the database engine along with PHP. From there, you can access the database using the “Open Adminer” button from the “Database” tab in Local (this is what your screenshot is showing).

As for how to connect to the database using another client like MySQL Workbench – each tool will have it’s own way of connecting, but you should be able to use the information on that “database” tab to connect. If you have trouble, search for additional information in the documentation for whatever tool you are using!

A post was split to a new topic: MySQL Workbench