How do I modify the Nginx configurations in Local?

Issue Summary

I tried to modify the Nginx configuration files under my Local site:


I made my changes, saved the file, then restarted the Local server. (Triple dots > Restart) Nothing changes. The configuration remained the same.

What I’m trying to do is to allow access to the /dist/ folder in my theme, so I added the following line to restrictions.conf.hbs :

# Allow access to dist folder
location /wp-content/themes/xxx/dist/css/ { 
	allow all;

But it doesn’t work. I then went to site.conf.hbs and commented out the restrictions config like this:
# include includes/restrictions.conf;

It doesn’t work as well. Seems like the Nginx config changes are not taking effect.

System Details

  • Local 7.0.1+6387 on Windows 10

local-lightning.log (350.5 KB)

Hi @danielfam

Do you have any antivirus, security, or firewall applications that could be blocking Local? It looks like from the log it’s failing to make updates and something could be interfering. You could start here:

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