How to ask for support

Disclaimer: I don’t work for Flywheel. I am simply a long time user.

There are many issues and responses that users believe are being ignored. You aren’t. Unfortunately many issues don’t have enough actionable information and so they seem to be ignored.

At the minimum knowing the following is helpful.

  • OS version
  • Local version.
    • Are you using the most current version of the software? Why not?
  • Settings in Local, PHP version and Webserver
  • Local error log
  • Any errors or screenshots that would be helpful. Most are helpful.
  • Do you have any anti-virus software running?
  • Do you have any other local webservers running?
    • Is anything else running on ports 80 or 443?

It is very helpful to correctly categorize the issue. Is it a Local problem or a WordPress problem.

Here’s a nice write up how to write a good support request.

I have spent many years on this particular forum.

Search the forum. I find an overwhelming number of duplicate issues; many that have already been solved.

My observations are that there are many more issues when using Windows as an OS than on any other system. This isn’t to say that Local shouldn’t work properly on Windows, it should.

Try to remember that the software, Local, is not the same as hosting of Flywheel, though there are certainly interactions between the two. Local the software is free. Local Pro is a slightly different. If you are a Local Pro customer, you can get priority support. Click on the question mark icon in the sidebar.

Be nice. No one has an incentive to assist someone who isn’t nice.


Plus one! @afragen do you think we’ve made this clear enough?

I’d love any feedback you have :slight_smile:

@flyjack I think it’s clear enough. I hate to say but I think much of the issue is user derived.

I just think that many who come to this forum don’t make a significant effort to see if the issue they have has been solved. Search works fine, it’s just not used.

Many post with snarky subjects and provide not enough information yet expect immediate responses. It’s a lot to expect from free software, yet it seems to be expected nonetheless. :disappointed:

Perhaps it’s simply not clear enough that paid support is via the in app help menu and that this is a Local Pro feature. Maybe a new Help menu item titled “Priority Support”. If a Local Pro user show the in app priority support request page. If not a Local Pro user a link explaining “Priority Support” and link to sign up for Local Pro.


Hi @afragen,

Thanks so being so committed to Local’s community! :green_heart:

Earlier this year we set out to clarity the support options that users have and introduced a new Support tab in Local. If you’re on the free edition, you’ll see two call to actions: ask on the forums, or; upgrade to Pro. Maybe we can optimize this UX further…


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