I cant create a website inside in local

hi all i cant create the website inside my local host and i have this error and i cant fix it can you help me

Please can you share the information we asked for in the new post template, @marawn?

  1. Your Local Logs.
  2. Your operating system name and version.
  3. Your version of Local.

Hello @marawn -

There might be an issue with the name of your site as "Test !" any chance you can create a site with a site name like test (or similar - no special characters or spaces)?

Let me know if that helps (and if it doesn’t, please share the information @nickc requested).

Thank you!


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hi nick thanks for your replay i tried to change the name of website without using name like test but i have the same error and here the information which you want from me

windows version

hi sam thank you soo much for your replay i tried to change the name for my website to use other name like my first website or pantine but i still have same error and i cant enter to website

Thanks, @marawn. Please could you attach your log files as described in Retrieve Local’s Log File - Local?

Hi nick thank you for your helping me this is the retrieve local log file
local-lightning.log (63.2 KB)

I’ve seen other users with this issue in the past and I believe this article can help:


thank you soo much nick thank you soo much it is work now i am very appretiated your help your time thanks again


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