I was prompted to do an update and after the update i can't start site

What issue or error are you experiencing?

I was prompted to do an update and after the update i can’t start site

What steps can be taken to replicate the issue? Feel free to include screenshots, videos, etc

System Details

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Local Logs

Attach your Local Logs here (Help Doc - Retrieving Local’s Log)

Security Reminder
Local does a pretty good job of scrubbing private info from the logs and the errors it produces, however there’s always the possibility that something private can come through. Because these are public forums, always review the screenshots you are sharing to make sure there isn’t private info like passwords being displayed.
error.log (9.5 KB)

Hi @immanjo

If you create a new, blank site in Local can you access that okay? If you can, then you may want to try reimporting the site getting the errors. The steps would look like this:

  • Locate the site files on your machine, and save a copy of them to your desktop. If you click Go to Site Folder under your site name it should take you right to where they are located.
  • Once you have those copied, completely delete the site from Local
  • Restart Local/your machine
  • Reimport the site back into Local. You can refer here on how to Restore from only Local site files

i did everything as you instructed but the site i built is no where to be found in my wp dashboard after uploading the backed up zipfile to local

so now how? all my work is lost because of Wp local and backing up isn’t even helping?

On the zip file that you created and imported, if you unzip that on your desktop and look in there are your site files still inside including wp-content and database? Or is the zip file itself empty?

Everything is in there. I give up on wordpress. Yo don’t know how much i have been going through just to build this 1 site for a client i have been facing challenges with Wordpress, Hostinger, and now WPlocal. I give up in this. I had to build this site from scratch and just left 10% to complete and everything screws up.I had attempted to build this site 5 times. So never again. Local using my laptop even without using a host can screw me over.i give up. i am now usin g my own server and building the site for the 6th time again.Tq

We understand doing what is best for your needs! Hopefully you able to find something better suited to your workflow.

If you do need to try and recover the site in Local, you can use the steps in this help doc to manually move over the files:

Manually Import a Local site

Ok Thanks alot mate

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Ok nick, i’m very frustrated and i’m about to lose several clients and my this current high profile client. i want to send you the zip file and you help me to load it to my client’s cpanel because i tried it several times and it kept saying error log. Can you please hlep me out with this it will be a blessing as i tried rebuiilding the site again and itys not as good as what i had built with this one.

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Hi @immanjo

Since Local is a popular and free product, we do not offer priority support (including virtual or phone support). I’ve removed the details you provided in your comment because this is a public forum and we would not want any private details of yours or your clients to be discovered by others.

We will try to assist with your issue here the best we can in a timely manner, but troubleshooting and communication may take additional time.

Can you provide more details about what errors and issues you’re experiencing? Feel free to include any screenshots, logs or videos as well.

When i tried to upload that wp zip file to the cpanel public html it showed that and then the entire wp crasjhed and i had to re setup everything.
looks like what you are offering isn’t helping at all or going to get me anywhere to solve the problem that was cause entirely by Wordpress local when it prompted me to do a upgrade.

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