Imagick won't enable in PHP7.4.30

What issue or error are you experiencing?

Imagick won’t enable in PHP7.4.30.
It does enable in PHP8.1.23.
What could the reason be?

Even after installing “ImageMagick Engine”, I get the error “Imagick PHP module not found”.

What steps can be taken to replicate the issue? Feel free to include screenshots, videos, etc

I have ImageMagick installed.

Also, I’m having trouble getting the “local” “Site shell” to work.

System Details

  • Local Version:
    Version 9.0.5+6706
  • Operating System (OS) and OS version:
    Mac OS Sonoma 14.5

Local Logs

Attach your Local Logs here (Help Doc - Retrieving Local’s Log)

Security Reminder
Local does a pretty good job of scrubbing private info from the logs and the errors it produces, however there’s always the possibility that something private can come through. Because these are public forums, always review the screenshots you are sharing to make sure there isn’t private info like passwords being displayed.

Hi @asa

This is expected behavior because we only have Imagick support for PHP versions 8+ since 7.4 and lower are being phased out.

Hi @Nick-B

Thank you for your reply.

I changed the site I want to use Imagick to PHP8, but an error occurred and it couldn’t be displayed, so I would like to enable it in PHP7 somehow. Is there any way to do this?

There isn’t a simple way to do this I’m afraid.

When you use PHP 8+ do you mean that the site throws a critical/fatal error? If that is the case there may be a theme or plugin that’s not compatible with newer PHP versions. You could disable or swap the item erroring out by using the Site Shell function (under your site name) and then WP-CLI commands inside the shell.

For example, wp plugin deactivate pluginname

Thank you.
But I have some problems.

I need to build a local environment with the same environment as the production server, and it is difficult to change the PHP version of the production server.
I have enabled Imagick with PHP7.4.30 on the production server.

Also, the “Site shell” button doesn’t work. Nothing happens when I press it.

For the time being, I will work while checking in the production environment.

Is the site Started when you select site shell?

If you create a new, blank site in Local does the site shell open there, or same issue?

When I press site shell the site doesn’t start.
It doesn’t work on any other sites I’ve created.
I just tried creating a new site but it’s the same.

This has been going on for a while.
I remember that site shell worked local by flywheel in the past.

It seems like something else might be limiting Local on your system.

Is this machine issued by your employer or is this a personal device?

Do you have any antivirus, security, or firewall applications running?

Are you running other developer applications simultaneously? Apps like MAMP, XAMPP, or Docker for example.

This is a personally owned device.
Yes, I use MAMP.
This may not be related, but I have changed the port numbers for Apache and other MAMP programs so that I can run MAMP and Local at the same time.

I suspect that there is a conflict at play then between these items, which isn’t uncommon. Have you tried changing your Router Mode to see if that helps? (Preferences>Advanced>Router Mode)

Otherwise you may have to try disabling MAMP completely to proceed.

I changed to router mode to check if “Site shell” worked, but it didn’t work.

However, my project was completed successfully.
Although the issues with “Imagick” and “Site shell” were not resolved, I was able to proceed while using the production environment.

If any other problems arise, I will use your support again.
I truly appreciate your support so far.
Thank you very much.

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Glad to hear the site is working for you now @asa! I’ll close this out for now but if you have any other questions or concerns don’t hesitate to reach back out. We are always happy to help!