Live link breaks .local site

I have a few websites locally with local by Flywheel, but whenever I enable live link, for a client to view it, once I turn the live link off, it breaks the .local site, it keeps wanting to forward to the live link.
e.g. example.local, I can view it at example.local. When I turn on the live link, I am forwarded to If I then turn the live link off, it still tries to load, and If I go to example.local, it tries to forward to


Hi @teawebsites,

That’s interesting! It sounds like your browser is caching the redirect.

Does this issue persist if you switch browsers or use a private window?

Hi @clay,
Cleared cache, switched from chrome to safari and used private windows in both browsers, still getting this issue,


Interesting :thinking:

I’d check the following:

  1. home and siteurl in the wp_options are set to the appropriate Local domain

    You can check this by going to the site in Local » Database » Adminer and then clicking on “Select” next to the wp_options table. It may be named something else like wp_XXXX_options (XXXX being a random group of characters).

  2. Make sure local-by-flywheel-demo-urls.php is not in app/public/wp-content/mu-plugins after disabling the Live Link.

  3. Try temporarily disabling all WordPress plugins by renaming app/public/wp-content/plugins to app/public/wp-content/plugins-backup

fix no. 1 worked,

thanks @clay

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