Local Lightning site url/domain

I just installed the new lightning version of Local.

When I view the site I’m expecting a site domain like sitename.local but I get http://localhost:10000/?cache-buster=652

Is that a feature or a bug?

I’ll revert to the older version for now.


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I just noticed that, too. I’d like to get an answer to your question as well.

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It looks like the Local router is defaulting to “localhost.” You might try going to Preferences > Advanced and switching Router Mode to “Site Domains.” I’m not sure whether the default to “localhost” is a feature or a bug. :wink:

Hi Leonard,
That seems to be the issue and has resolved the issue for me, albeit with some host/port issues if I two versions of Local ( local and Local by Flywheel ) which is probably to be expected.

Thank you so much for your response, much appreciated.


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