Local Redirects to Original Site After Importing an Updraftplus Backup

I am upgrading original.com to PHP 7 and I am using a backup from Updraftplus to upload to the local site to test it. Once I click “Restore” in Updraft it loads and then redirects me back to original.com. If I click “Admin” in flywheel it takes me to the admin login page for my original site. Can anyone help with this?

Hi @jblagan93,

This might be an issue with UpdraftPlus if you used their restore system, but either way here’s how you can fix the domain redirect.

  1. Right-click on the site in Local
  2. Go to ‘Open Site SSH’
  3. Enter wp search-replace '//olddomain.com' '//newdomain.com' (olddomain.com being your live domain and newdomain.com being your Local site domain)
  4. Done!

If this doesn’t help, please check the site’s wp-config.php file for WP_HOME and WP_SITEURL values that point to your live domain.