Local stops connecting to Flywheel

None of the sites are connecting with Flywheel and it is giving me this error "503 received on users/me”

This is a work stopper.

Here is the log.

local-by-flywheel.log (138.3 KB)


I’m sorry you had these issues. On September 10, we had some application issues which effected Connect to Flywheel. Here are some more details here: https://status.getflywheel.com/2018/09/10/flywheel-app-connectivity-issues-2/. The application issues you experienced on Monday are considered resolved and we are continuing to monitor issue. Further Flywheel platform status information can be found here: https://status.getflywheel.com/.

Let us know if you are still getting a “503” error when trying to Connect to Flywheel.

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