@afragen Many thanx for your reassuring reply.
Do you mind answering a few more questions as I’m having some trouble tracking down the issues? I have searched in Local log files for any clues but there are nothing at all related to these issues.
If we start with the first issue that I can’t use Open Site Shell in Local app. The error message that “M6nzofBLY.sh” can’t be opened because (null) is not allowed to open documents in Terminal is obviously from the Terminal app. I’m still using bash as the default shell in Terminal app (yeah I know but it just works for me…).
Have you set Terminal as the default app in Local preferences or are you using any other terminal app? Which shell are you using as default in your terminal app?
There must be some new security measures in macOS 13.0 Ventura and Terminal app since the error message clearly states that Local (null) is not allowed to open documents in Terminal.
Is there a parameter or something else missing in the command used in Local app to be able to open the site shell script with the built-in terminal app in macOS 13.0 Ventura?
I have no problems to open any site shells manually in Terminal app with bash as default (after finding the right script for the site in ssh-entry folder).
~/Library/Application\ Support/Local/ssh-entry/M6nzofBLY.sh
Setting Local environment variables...
WP-CLI: WP-CLI 2.6.0
Composer: 2.1.5 2021-07-23
PHP: 8.1.9
MySQL: mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.28, for macOS 10.14 (x86_64) using EditLine wrapper
Launching shell: /bin/bash ...
The other issue with reapeting dialogs that I have to accept incoming network connections from httpd whenever I start a site in Local is more complex to track down.
When I check the settings in Firewall pane everything looks ok and it’s the same settings I used before updating macOS. And if I turn off the firewall in Network Settings I still get the dialog that I have to accept incoming connections.
Are you using the built-in firewall in macOS and are you using Apache or Nginx in Local for your sites?
I have reset all firewall settings and deleted the firewall plist (com.apple.alf) if it was corrupt in some way. There are no errors in the firewall logs but there are several errors in Console related to httpd and Local when I start a site in Local.
/usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --getglobalstate --getblockall --getallowsigned --getstealthmode
Firewall is enabled. (State = 1)
Block all DISABLED!
Automatically allow signed built-in software ENABLED
Automatically allow downloaded signed software ENABLED
Stealth mode enabled
/usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --listapps
ALF: total number of apps = 5
4 : /Applications/Local.app
( Allow incoming connections )
5 : /Users/emmtre/Library/Application Support/Local/lightning-services/apache-2.4.43+7/bin/darwin/bin/httpd
( Allow incoming connections )