macOS Sequoia

Since updating macOS Sequoia version 15.0, I can no longer go to WP Admin with Local 9.0.5+6706.
The browser window opens and after several minutes displays the following error “ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT”.
I tried everything even completely reinstalling Local and creating a new site but problem persists.
Do you have a solution?
Thanks in advance.


If you create a new, blank site in Local do you get the error? Or is it only when working on a specific site?

The problem is the same with all sites created. It works the first time I open it, it takes a long time the second time I open it and I get a time out error afterwards. If I reinstall it, all works the first time and it don’t work again after. I checked my network settings and everything is ok. I really think there is an incompatibility between Local 9.0.5 and macOS V 15.0.


We’ve done extensive testing with Sequoia but haven’t been able to replicate any issues.

Do you have any antivirus, security, or firewall applications that could be interfering with Local?

Are you running other developer applications simultaneously? That could also cause similar issues. Apps like MAMP, XAMPP, or Docker for example.

You might also check out our performance guide here for some other common culprits.

If you’re still having trouble please share a copy of your full Local Log with us:

There are some different ways to access and share Local Logs. For us to be able to troubleshoot thoroughly, please click the Download Local Logs button from the Support tab in Local. This will generate a zip archive that contains the Local log along with some other diagnostic information to help quickly zero in on any issues that Local is encountering.

for Local to work I have to deactivate the firewall because Local is highlighted in red and cannot be authorized. I can’t afford to work on a network without a firewall, I haven’t found a solution.

So the Firewall wasn’t blocking Local before updating to Sequoia but it is now?


I installed macOS Sequoia revision 15.0.1 this morning and everything is back to normal. That works!
Thank you for your answers

Glad to hear it @ALLAG! Thank you for following up and letting us know :green_heart:

Yes, but with the last patch macOS Sequoia V 15.0.1 all it’s OK!!!

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