Missing Hosts entry.This site may be inaccessible

Hi I have reinstalled all the latest versions. Local will add a site but I cannot access it due to the warning “Missing Hosts Entry”.I am running Windows 10 and the content of the log file is detailed below.

May 31, 2017, 11:28 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/index] Existing Pressmatic data does not exist.
May 31, 2017, 11:28 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/check-system] Check System: Docker Machine:
{ stdout: ‘Stopped\n’, stderr: ‘’ }
May 31, 2017, 11:28 AM GMT+2 - info: [renderer/CheckEnvPage] Check system promise response: [ undefined, ‘machine-halted’ ] machine-halted
May 31, 2017, 11:28 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/docker-machine] Checking Boot2Docker.iso hash
May 31, 2017, 11:28 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/docker-machine] Running C:\Users\Gavin\AppData\Local\Programs\local-by-flywheel\resources\extraResources\virtual-machine\vendor\docker\windows\docker-machine.exe start local-by-flywheel
May 31, 2017, 11:28 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/docker-machine] Starting “local-by-flywheel”…
May 31, 2017, 11:28 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/docker-machine] (local-by-flywheel) Check network to re-create if needed…
May 31, 2017, 11:28 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/docker-machine] (local-by-flywheel) Windows might ask for the permission to create a network adapter. Sometimes, such confirmation window is minimized in the taskbar.
May 31, 2017, 11:28 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/docker-machine] (local-by-flywheel) Found a new host-only adapter: “VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #2
May 31, 2017, 11:28 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/docker-machine] (local-by-flywheel) Windows might ask for the permission to configure a network adapter. Sometimes, such confirmation window is minimized in the taskbar.
May 31, 2017, 11:28 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/docker-machine] (local-by-flywheel) Waiting for an IP…
May 31, 2017, 11:29 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/docker-machine] Machine “local-by-flywheel” was started.
May 31, 2017, 11:29 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/docker-machine] Waiting for SSH to be available…
May 31, 2017, 11:29 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/docker-machine] Detecting the provisioner…
May 31, 2017, 11:29 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/docker-machine] Started machines may have new IP addresses. You may need to re-run the docker-machine env command.
May 31, 2017, 11:29 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/set-docker-env] Getting Docker Machine env.
May 31, 2017, 11:29 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/set-docker-env] Received Docker Machine env.
May 31, 2017, 11:29 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/docker-machine] checking IP
May 31, 2017, 11:29 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/set-docker-env] Getting Docker Machine env.
May 31, 2017, 11:29 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/set-docker-env] Received Docker Machine env.
May 31, 2017, 11:29 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/docker-machine] checked IP

May 31, 2017, 11:29 AM GMT+2 - error: [renderer/CheckEnvPage] Getting a machine-halted error after startDockerMachine in CheckEnvPage. This should not happen.
May 31, 2017, 11:31 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/docker-create-site-container] Creating container with
{ Image: ‘flywheel:1.0’,
Cmd: ‘supervisord’,
Tty: true,
ExposedPorts: { ‘80/tcp’: {}, ‘443/tcp’: {}, ‘3306/tcp’: {}, ‘1080/tcp’: {} },
{ Binds:
[ ‘/c/Users/Gavin/Local Sites/ric-holt-art/app:/app’,
‘/c/Users/Gavin/Local Sites/ric-holt-art/logs/supervisor:/var/log/supervisor’,
‘/c/Users/Gavin/Local Sites/ric-holt-art/logs/mysql:/var/log/mysql’,
‘/c/Users/Gavin/Local Sites/ric-holt-art/logs/nginx:/var/log/nginx’,
‘/c/Users/Gavin/Local Sites/ric-holt-art/logs/php/5.6.20:/var/log/php/5.6.20’ ],
{ ‘80/tcp’: [ { HostPort: ‘4000’ } ],
‘443/tcp’: [ { HostPort: ‘4003’ } ],
‘3306/tcp’: [ { HostPort: ‘4004’ } ],
‘1080/tcp’: [ { HostPort: ‘4005’ } ] } } }
May 31, 2017, 11:31 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/docker-create-site-container] Created container: f642befa1ac1aa53f04be02ce291143eeec659718f01943ccca13790b4cecc35
May 31, 2017, 11:31 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/WordPressInstaller] Init WordPressInstaller
May 31, 2017, 11:31 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/WordPressInstaller] Starting standardInstall()
May 31, 2017, 11:31 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/WordPressInstaller] maybeGetLatestVersion()
May 31, 2017, 11:31 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/WordPressInstaller] checkForLatestVersion()
May 31, 2017, 11:31 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/docker-router] updateProxyManager()
May 31, 2017, 11:31 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/docker-network-manager] maybeCreateNetwork
May 31, 2017, 11:31 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/hosts-helper] hostsHelper: Updating hosts with “C:\Users\Gavin\AppData\Local\Programs\local-by-flywheel\resources\extraResources\node\node-windows.exe” “C:\Users\Gavin\AppData\Local\Programs\local-by-flywheel\resources\app.asar.unpacked\main\provisioning\update-hosts.js” ric-holt-art.dev
May 31, 2017, 11:31 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/docker-router] getRouterContainer()
May 31, 2017, 11:31 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/docker-router] reconnectNetwork()
May 31, 2017, 11:31 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/docker-network-manager] doesNetworkExist
May 31, 2017, 11:31 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/docker-network-manager] Network exists.
May 31, 2017, 11:31 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/docker-router] teardown()
May 31, 2017, 11:31 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/WordPressInstaller] Latest version info
{ version: ‘4.7.5’,
download: ‘https://downloads.wordpress.org/release/wordpress-4.7.5.zip’ }
May 31, 2017, 11:31 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/WordPressInstaller] Cached version info
May 31, 2017, 11:31 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/WordPressInstaller] copy() C:\Users\Gavin\AppData\Local\Programs\local-by-flywheel\resources\extraResources\virtual-machine\vendor\wordpress\ C:\Users\Gavin\Local Sites\ric-holt-art\app
May 31, 2017, 11:31 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/docker-router] runContainer()
May 31, 2017, 11:31 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/docker-network-manager] Connected f642befa1ac1aa53f04be02ce291143eeec659718f01943ccca13790b4cecc35.
May 31, 2017, 11:31 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/WordPressInstaller] Running install-wp.sh
May 31, 2017, 11:32 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/hosts-helper] hostsHelper: Updated hosts. Updating hosts file at C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

May 31, 2017, 11:32 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/WordPressInstaller] install-wp.sh output
{ stdout: ‘mysqld is alive\nwp-blog-header.php exists. configuring and installing.\nSuccess: Generated ‘wp-config.php’ file.\nSuccess: WordPress installed successfully.\nDeleted ‘akismet’ plugin.\nSuccess: Deleted 1 of 1 plugins.\nDeleted ‘hello’ plugin.\nSuccess: Deleted 1 of 1 plugins.’,
stderr: ‘sh: 1: -t: not found’ }
May 31, 2017, 11:32 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/WordPressInstaller] Writing salts to wp-config.php
May 31, 2017, 11:32 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/WordPressInstaller] Writing HTTPS Fix to wp-config.php
May 31, 2017, 11:33 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/hosts-helper] hostsHelper: Updating hosts with “C:\Users\Gavin\AppData\Local\Programs\local-by-flywheel\resources\extraResources\node\node-windows.exe” “C:\Users\Gavin\AppData\Local\Programs\local-by-flywheel\resources\app.asar.unpacked\main\provisioning\update-hosts.js” ric-holt-art.dev
May 31, 2017, 11:33 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/hosts-helper] hostsHelper: Updated hosts. Updating hosts file at C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

May 31, 2017, 11:34 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/hosts-helper] hostsHelper: Updating hosts with “C:\Users\Gavin\AppData\Local\Programs\local-by-flywheel\resources\extraResources\node\node-windows.exe” “C:\Users\Gavin\AppData\Local\Programs\local-by-flywheel\resources\app.asar.unpacked\main\provisioning\update-hosts.js” ric-holt-art.dev
May 31, 2017, 11:34 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/hosts-helper] hostsHelper: Updated hosts. Updating hosts file at C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

I am keen to try this software if I can get it to work as I administer 12 Wordpress sites currently.

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I’ve had the same issue, I think. Still waiting to hear back.

If anyone is having this issue, please try this build below (simply run the installer to upgrade) and let me know how it works for you.

Edit: The changes mentioned are available in Local 2.0.5

I tried the exe with no solution. Uninstalled and re-installed the entire app and ran the exe again. Same problem. I now have no hair left…

Are you running a VPN or some type of firewall that might be blocking Local?

Hi Clay,

Not running a VPN. Running Zonealarm as a firewall but have okayed Local fully in that. Aso tried after switching the firewall off. I have no Local entries in my hosts file. Is there possibly an entry that I can manually paste into the hosts file that will sort out the problem?


You just have to enter the “Remote IP” that you see on the “Database” tab for the site so it will look something like: some-site.dev #Local Site

Also, with this latest version did you get a prompt from “Node.js” when clicking on “Fix It” or when adding a site?

For more info, please see https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/27350/beginner-geek-how-to-edit-your-hosts-file/

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Edited the hosts file and it works. The main problem is that Zonealarm locks the hosts file so even if you pause it there is a problem in editing the hosts file. Unchecked under advanced firewall setting and everything works.

Clay thank you very much for your exceedingly good support. If ever you find yourself in Cape Town I am buying the beers. I hope my solution benefits some other poor soul with the same problem.


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Aha, that’s interesting! I think you may’ve unearthed one of the reasons why we haven’t been able to reproduce this.

I found this after briefly looking that up: https://www.devside.net/wamp-server/unlock-and-unblock-the-windows-hosts-file … Looks like we may have to write an FAQ :slight_smile:

Anyway, glad I can help and thanks for sharing the solution!

One of these days I’ll make a trip back to Cape Town :smiley:

FYI, I had the same issue. Prior to the fix I mention here, hitting Fix It did nothing.

For me, it turns out my C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\ folder was empty (even after making sure hidden files and hidden system files were displayed). No hosts file, no nothing in there. So I created a hosts file by creating a hosts txt file then removing the extension and putting it into the \etc\ folder. Then I hit fix it, and it worked, and I could access my site as normal.

No idea why that folder is empty.

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Yes I have used a “Hotspot Shield” and I uninstalled it after but nothing to do. The trouble is still there

Great advice. I am finally able to access the WordPress site and admin dashboard.

But I still have an issue with the node-x64.exe (and I still have the warning strip at the top, even though had added the IP address and the other info in correlation with what you had posted).

When I click “fix it”, it brings up the error window

I am using the Oracle VM Virtualbox. When I was installing flywheel initially, it had a problem of installing the programme. So I downloaded it separately and installed it in order to get Flywheel to install.

I don’t know if this will help anyone, but I was having the same issue after the new update. Upon checking the hosts file, it had been renamed to hosts.old (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.old)
Changed hosts file to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts and all is back to normal.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: I need help! Can’t get Local running on My MacOs High Sierra

Hi Guys,

I am using windows 10 and after creating the site. I am unable to open it, kindly help in getting this initial step sorted. The error says “Misssing hosts entry. This site may be inaccessible”

Hi Venkatesh,

I was having the same issue. I unchecked the Read-Only property of host file. Then it worked fine.
Path: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

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A post was split to a new topic: Local can’t create site under Windows due to hosts file