Multisite migration woes

Not having the best of times with multisite migration from WAMP stack to Local. Importing went OK. Then added the multisite switch to wp-config myself; and added the network settings for this subdomain based install. Impossible to login.

Switched to Apache, so I can use htaccess. No way to login. Checked the urls in the database, but this site keeps redirecting me to wp-signup. Then added define( ‘NOBLOGREDIRECT’, ‘’ ); but that just leads to an empty page. Seems to me I’ve exhausted my options. Please advise, thanks.

As it turns out, Local takes any of the found table prefixes and uses that in wp-config, causing all sorts of weird behaviour (like selecting a subsite as the mainsite and such). I am in the process of correcting and solving the situation, a warning of sorts would have been nice, though.