Neither Mailhog nor SMTP functioning

Greetings, I’m using Local to create a test Wordpress site on my Windows 10 computer. I use the WP plugin “Check Email” to send out a test email, but Mailhog doesn’t catch it. So, looking at this forum, I saw that maybe I needed to upgrade to Local 5.6.1, which I did. But, still no luck with Mailhog.

Then, I read that SMTP bypasses Mailhog, and that maybe I could actually send out an email out into the internet? So, I installed various SMTP plugins in WP to help with that, and the SMTP server I’m trying to use is called SMTP2GO, which gives me a SMTP username/password to use, as well as the name of its server, all of which are needed in the SMTP plugins. But, when I try to send an email I keep getting the error that the FROM address is not recognized, even though the URL matches my locally created website (.local)

Does anyone have any helpful insights what I could be doing wrong?
Thanks for reading and for your help.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Local by flywheel mailhog not intercepting outgoing emails