Everything stopped working. So I restarted. Downloaded and install Local again. Downloaded the new virtual box. Tried to turn on the installs and get ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED.
So I then tried to make a new install and got Error Installing WordPress for test
/app/public/wp-includes/version.php does not exist
Here is the log file.
local-by-flywheel.log.zip (46.5 KB)
So I got it working again by
- Back up all my old installs to another folder.
- Uninstall Local By Flywheel https://getflywheel.com/wordpress-support/uninstall-local-on-macos/
3.Then reinstalled Local By Flywheel 2.3.3 Not 2.4.5
- Reimported the old installs. In local by flywheel go to file import. Make sure your old project is a zip file.
Seems to be working now. DON’T UPGRADE.