No Extension None of the supported PHP extensions (MySQLi, MySQL, PDO_MySQL) are available

Hi there,
I’m not sure what kind of problem is on Beta versions of Local, but you can try this while they manage to solve this bug.

You can download Adminer from its official website now is version 4.7.5, and include it in the root directory of your project, as project I mean your WordPress local web.

Once you have started your site in Local, you can access your database in http://yourproject.local/adminer.php

The URL may be different depending on which version of Adminer you have downloaded.

For security reasons, remember not to upload that file to your production site.


Thanks @devgabri

I’m gonna to try your method.

Same problem for me …
I am using Local Lightning 5.0.6 (beta) which is great, but each time I run Adminer I get the “no extension” error message.
Will the problem be fixed with the next beta release?
A big thank to the dev Team :slight_smile:

Hey @lebrach,

It is my understanding that this should be in the next release of Local Lightning 5.0.8, however that could change.

In the meantime, you can give @devgabri method a try:

Or try TablePlus as an alternative, there is a guide on that here:


Could you give an example of the directory you are suggesting we install it to, please?

Assume Local’s website is located in the (Windows) folder:

Would I put it in the public root for that folder: (C:\FlywheelLocalSites\\) ?

Or put it in the site’s webroot, (public), folder: (C:\FlywheelLocalSites\\app\public)

Or in the conf folder, etc?

Hi there,

You should in public folder.


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Hi all,

Local 5.2.7 includes a fix that should resolve this issue for most of you on Windows.

Please be sure to let us know if it helps. :smiley: